About / Contact


TBW Books is an award-winning, independent photography publishing house founded in Oakland in 2006 by Paul Schiek.

In 2023, TBW Books launched Workshop de Allende, an artist retreat in Mexico.

In 2024, TBW began a partnership with the Miner Anderson Family Foundation, who shares our vision of publishing the work of underrepresented artists. 

TBW Books acknowledges that it occupies the unceded land of the Lisjan Ohlone people, also known as Oakland.



Paul Schiek, Founder and Creative Director

Claire Cichy, Director

Molly D'Arcy, Press and Marketing Manager

Cat Symens-Bucher, Book Fair Director

Caleb Knopp, Shipping Manager


Wholesale inquiries:

New England USA
Zachary Goss, zach@independentstudyreps.com

New York City and Western USA
(Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico, Oregon, and Washington)
Mike Slack, mikeslack.bookrep@gmail.com

Mid-Atlantic, Southern and Midwestern USA
Mark William Pearson, mark@independentstudyreps.com

Europe and the UK
Bryony Lloyd, bryony@publicknowledgebooks.com

Everywhere else
Claire Cichy, claire@tbwbooks.com


Press inquiries: molly@tbwbooks.com

Questions about your order: info@tbwbooks.com

Book fairs: cat@tbwbooks.com

Submissions: At present, our release schedule is completely full and we're not actively seeking new proposals. That said, we do appreciate seeing your work. We cannot guarantee a response due to our busy schedules, but if you feel compelled to show us something, please send it to info@tbwbooks.com.

We are almost extinct. Or, we are already, but too numb or dumb to realize / admit it. But it is indeed upon us. THIS NEW WORLD. Sit back. Let it wash over you for a second. Feel good? Not really, right? Do we throw in the towel? Pragmatically speaking, yes. Romantically speaking, never. Do we let them determine what art should be? Should we engage? Or just let it happen? Let them separate us from one another? ... What's a handshake worth today anyhow? And what's ink kissing paper and fingers kissing ink that then kisses countless minds worth? Not sure... just as long as it continues eternal. So what now?  I LOVE YOU. We should probably say that one more often. Remember Be Here Now? We're striving for that one too... Remember the punx and the hippies and the Beats and the Panthers and all those radicals? Radicals we are not. We were simply passed the baton and we ran like a blind bat out of hell. And, these kids... we can't leave a rotten world for them. Please... please show us a world where machines are not humans and humans are not machines and books are never banned. Now... that's the ticket! This is a new techno oppression. You feel it, right? UGHHH. And so many warnings, too. But just DREAM with us... Only flowers from now on... ok? Don't be afraid. They come in many forms. They will bloom tomorrow. Sincerity will always win. Count on that! Oh, and Oakland, we love you, even when you're not loving us back. And you... you're a beautiful bleeding heart, yourself. And if it all comes tumbling and crumbling down... well, so be it!  At least we gave it an honest go... with ink and paper and heart and hand. But don't get fooled and don't fool yourself, friend... Together we can be the shepherds who watch the sheep. How beautiful... all that wool... to serve, to serve, to serve... infinitely. Love, TBW Books